Small Squares: February 2018

Small Squares: February 2018

February came and went entirely too fast. I think I am figuring out my emotional response to the early months of the year. January is both my favorite and least favorite month of the year because it is a time of great transition, a lot of expectation and a decent amount of anxiety. I tend to feel every single day of January and not always in the best way. Well, except for my wedding anniversary – I always love that day. February goes by way too fast. I’m not a fan of the over-commercialized holiday Valentines Day but my oldests’ birthday is in February and so February is alright in my book. This brings me to March. March is when I finally feel like I have my bearings for the year. More on that later. For NOW, here are a few snaps of life speeding by in the month of February. Enjoy Small Squares February 2018!

This little girl works on a computer every day and I cannot get used to seeing it. I’m glad we kept my very old Macbook.

Sift Bakery in Napa with Sophie and Sariah FTW.
I LOVED attending Heather and Mason’s wedding in Sacramento. I’ve known Heather (and her family) for ten years and seeing her get married was a big treat. My dress is from H&M.
This kid turned 15. He is quite a bit taller than me (nearly 5 inches taller) and in my mind he is still two years old.

Green Valley as seen on a Sunday morning walk. We live in the prettiest place.
February marked the beginning of some laundry/pantry updates. I’ll go into more detail in a later post but wanted to show my awesome new tin Laundry Co. sign from Kirkland.
We spent Presidents Day at Muir Beach with the Beverley family.
Catch on the beach.
Me and Janette trying to stay warm at Muir Beach. When it wasn’t windy we were in great shape. Once that wind started, oh man. COLD.
I spent some time perfecting pompom making during February.
Sophie made breakfast for the whole family on Simon’s birthday. Here she is taking Simon’s order. She made me chocolate chip pancakes with fruit on the side and a fruit smoothie.

See you next month with more Small Squares!


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Transplanted from NYC to the Bay Area with 4 kids, a husband and a children's accessory company called Trulaaluu. I am inspired by my family, adoption, my friends, good design, running, beautiful spaces, social media connections and creating. Welcome to Dwelling by Design.
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